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徐前刚, 徐雪源
沈阳航空航天大学 材料科学与工程学院, 沈阳 110136
为了探究镀层对金属熔体与陶瓷基底润湿行为的作用机理,采用座滴法测试了700~800℃高真空条件下铝熔体与氧化铝、镀铬氧化铝基底及铬块的润湿性,研究了镀铬层厚度及润湿温度对润湿行为的影响。结果表明,铬镀层能够明显改善铝熔体与氧化铝基底的润湿性,随着镀层厚度的增加(260~1200 nm),终态接触角逐渐减小,铺展速率明显增大,且铝熔体在1200 nm镀铬层上比在铬块上具有更好的润湿性。800℃下铝熔体在镀铬氧化铝基底上会形成明显的前驱膜。铝熔体与镀铬层在界面反应形成了非连续反应产物颗粒,700℃时为Al7Cr,800℃时为Al11Cr2,而铝熔体与铬块在界面形成了连续的反应层。结合润湿界面反应及铺展前沿组态变化对上述结果进行了分析。
关键词:  氧化铝  镀铬层  润湿性  铝熔体
Wetting Behavior of Molten Aluminum on Cr-coated Alumina
XU Qiangang, XU Xueyuan
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China
To investigate the mechanism of the coating on the wetting behavior of metal melt on ceramic substrate, Sessile drop method was used to measure the wettability of molten aluminum on alumina, Cr-coated aluminum and chromium substrates between 700 and 800 ℃ in high vacuum condition. The effect of chrome coatings thickness and wetting temperature on the wetting behavior was investigated. The experimental results show that the chromium film deposited on alumina improved the wettability of aluminum with alumina. With the increase of chromium film thickness from 260 to 1200 nm, the terminal contact angle decreased gradually and the spreading rate increases. The wettability of Cr-coated alumina with Cr film thickness of 1200 nm by molten aluminum was better than that of the chromium substrate. Precursor films formed at the wetting front in the wetting of Cr-coated alumina and Cr substrate by molten aluminum at 800 ℃. Discontinuous reaction product particles (Al7Cr at 700 ℃ and Al11Cr2 at 800 ℃) form at the interface between the aluminium melts and the Cr-coated alumina. However, continuous reaction layers form at the interface between the aluminium melts and the chromium substrate. The experimental results were analyzed on the basis of the wetting interface reaction and configuration changes of the spread front.
Key words:  alumina  chromium coatings  wettability  aluminum melts