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詹华1, 汪瑞军1, 李振东1, 王伟平1,2
1.中国农业机械化科学研究院, 北京 100083;2.北京金轮坤天特种机械有限公司, 北京 100083
为研究边界润滑条件下薄膜碎片对钨掺杂类金刚石(W-DLC)薄膜的摩擦磨损性能的影响规律,分别在M50高温轴承钢和(100)晶向的Si片表面制备W-DLC薄膜,并且采用刻蚀法去除Si获得W-DLC薄膜碎片。采用Raman光谱和扫描电镜研究薄膜和碎片的结构,利用摩擦磨损试验机和三维白光干涉仪对添加碎片后的薄膜的摩擦磨损性能进行测试。结果表明:在载荷分别为2、5和10 N时,由于加入定量薄膜碎片后摩擦体系的平均摩擦因数分别增大2%、4%和10%;而载荷由2 N提高到5 N和10 N时,摩擦体系的平均摩擦因数从0.1277减小到0.1131再减小到0.1031。在载荷与薄膜碎片耦合作用下,薄膜的磨痕宽度、深度和体积都增大。通过磨损形貌的观察发现,W-DLC薄膜在边界润滑条件下的磨损受到了磨粒磨损机制的控制,在摩擦接触表面上呈现典型的犁沟特征。
关键词:  边界润滑条件  薄膜碎片  W-DLC薄膜  磨损性能
Effects of Film Fragments on Wear Properties for W-DLC Films Under Boundary Lubrication Conditions
ZHAN Hua1, WANG Rui-jun1, LI Zhen-dong1, WANG Wei-ping1,2
1.Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing 100083;2.Beijing Golden Wheel Special Machine Co., Ltd., Beijing 100083
In order to study the influence of film fragments on the friction and wear properties of tungsten doped diamond-like carbon films (W-DLC films) under boundary lubrication conditions, the W-DLC films were fabricated on the surface of M50 high temperature bearing steel and (100) crystal Si, respectively. The pure W-DLC film, obtained by etching the substrate Si, was mashed into its fragments. Raman spectroscopy and SEM were used to study the structure of the films and its fragments. Friction and wear properties of the film were tested by friction and wear tester and 3D white light interferometer. The results show that the average friction coefficient of the friction system increases by 2%, 4% and 10%, when the load is 2, 5 and 10 N, respectively. The average friction coefficient of the friction system decreases from 0.1277 to 0.1131, and then to 0.1031, when the load is increased from 2 N to 5 N and 10 N. Additionally, the wear width, depth and volume of the film increase by the coupling of the load and the film fragments. The wear morphology suggest that the friction contact surface has the typical plow. The wear of the W-DLC film follows the abrasive wear mechanism under the boundary lubrication conditions.
Key words:  boundary lubrication conditions  film fragments  tungsten doped DLC film  wear performance