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余森, 于振涛, 韩建业, 张强, 刘春潮, 牛金龙
西北有色金属研究院, 西安 710016
关键词:  多孔涂层  载银  阳极氧化  微弧氧化  TiO2纳米管
Preparation of Agloaded Porous Coatings on Commercially Pure Titanium by Twostep Electrochemical Method
YU Sen, YU Zhentao, HAN Jianye, ZHANG Qiang, LIU Chunchao, NIU Jinlong
Northwest institute for nonferrous metal research, Xi’an 710016
The precoatings were prepared on commercially pure titanium by anodic oxidation, then soaked in the AgNO3 solution followed by UV irradiation treatment, and the Agloaded porous coatings were finally prepared after microarc oxidation treatment. The surface morphologies of the Agloaded porous coatings and the amount and chemical characteristics of Ag in the coatings were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (XPS). The staphylococcus aureus was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the coatings. The results show that the TiO2 porous precoatings created by anodic oxidation has a high adsorption capacity of silver, and the coatings prepared by twostep electrochemical method still contains a high amount of silver. Most of the particles are nanosilver. The Agloaded porous coatings prepared by twostep electrochemical method have good antibacterial properties.
Key words:  porous coatings  Agloaded  anodization  microarc oxidation  TiO2 nanotubes