Volume 25,Issue 4,2012 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


Optimization of Thermal Spray Coatings for Forming Tools
  (德)沃尔夫冈·铁尔曼, (德)罗蔚峰, (德)音果·鲍曼, (德)彼得·霍林斯沃思,(德)本杰明·科力布斯, (德)雷夫·哈根
  2012,25(4):1-14 [Abstract(5557)]  [View PDF 4.64 M (2449)]


Friction and Wear Behavior of Titania Nanotube Layers with Different Thicknesses on Titanium Surface
  罗锦洁, 冯波, 郭振永, 范兴平, 屈树新
  2012,25(4) [Abstract(4575)]  [View PDF 5.61 M (3285)]
Influence of CMAS Infiltration on Microstructure of Plasmasprayed YSZ Thermal Barrier Coating
  何箐1, 刘新基1, 柳波2, 吕玉芬1, 汪瑞军1, 王伟平1
  2012,25(4):42-48 [Abstract(4690)]  [View PDF 4.30 M (2414)]
Influence of the Type of Nozzle on Particle Flattening and Coating Microstructure of Al2O3-3TiO2
  文魁1,2, 刘敏1,2, 余志明1, 邓春明2, 张梦婷1,2
  2012,25(4):49-55 [Abstract(4810)]  [View PDF 4.62 M (2464)]
Photocatalytic TiO2 Thin Films Directly Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
  朱四美1, 张贵锋1, 侯晓多1, 瞧朝晖2
  2012,25(4):56-61 [Abstract(4380)]  [View PDF 2.69 M (2687)]
Influence of AlMn Alloy Plating and Post Anodizing on Corrosion Resistance of Mg Alloy
  张吉阜1, 严川伟2, 王福会2, 刘敏1, 邓畅光1
  2012,25(4):62-67 [Abstract(4475)]  [View PDF 2.21 M (2731)]
Electrophoretic Deposition of Alumina and Zirconia Coating on the Surface of 32Cr2MoV Steel
  张津, 郭海明, 李洪, 何业东
  2012,25(4):68-73 [Abstract(4770)]  [View PDF 2.76 M (2475)]
Condition Optimization of Electroless Nickel Plating for PUF with Ultrasonic Treatment
  司倩倩, 陈厚和, 张幺玄, 王雄彪, 刘艳君, 江金金
  2012,25(4):74-78 [Abstract(4270)]  [View PDF 1.05 M (3049)]
Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Electroless Plating of Ni with Acidic Bath
  任志华, 田立朋
  2012,25(4):79-83 [Abstract(5903)]  [View PDF 1.38 M (3638)]
Anti-wear and Anti-corrosion Treatment of Cooling Tubes for the Power Plant Boilers
  孙晓飞1, 张贵锋1, 侯晓多1, 冯煜东2
  2012,25(4):84-88 [Abstract(4522)]  [View PDF 2.51 M (2405)]
Comparisons Between Nibased and Febased Alloy Powder on Gray Cast Iron by Laser Cladding
  李宝灵1, 刘旭红1, 温宗胤2, 冯树强1
  2012,25(4):89-93 [Abstract(4523)]  [View PDF 2.22 M (2493)]
A Rubbing Type of Friction and Wear Tester Simulating Working Condition of Seal Coatings
  高禩洋, 刘阳, 段德莉, 易凡, 王鹏, 侯思焓, 李曙
  2012,25(4):100-106 [Abstract(5466)]  [View PDF 2.32 M (3268)]
Analysis of Friction and Wear Properties of 40Cr by High Current Pulsed Electron Beam
  胡建军a, 许洪斌b, 陈元芳a, 韩超a
  2012,25(4):107-111 [Abstract(5194)]  [View PDF 3.34 M (2810)]
Effect of Monocationic and Dicationic Imidazolium on Micro/Nanotribological Properties of Ionic Liquid Films
  赵文杰1,2, 刘刚1, 王永欣1, 王立平2, 陈建敏1, 薛群基1
  2012,25(4):112-117 [Abstract(5525)]  [View PDF 2.97 M (3060)]


Subsidy Policy of Remanufacturing for Electromechanical Products
  刘渤海1 ,2, 史佩京2, 徐滨士2, 黄铁3
  2012,25(4):15-20 [Abstract(4271)]  [View PDF 2.69 M (2355)]
Influence of Surface Defect of Crankpin for Crankshaft Remanufacturing Core
  薛楠1, 2, 董丽虹2, 徐滨士2, 王慧鹏2, 董世运2
  2012,25(4):21-26 [Abstract(4941)]  [View PDF 2.51 M (2499)]
Automatic Brush Electroplating Technology Applied to Remanufacturing Cylinder Body of Engine
  胡振峰1, 汪笑鹤1, 吕镖1,2, 徐滨士1
  2012,25(4):27-30 [Abstract(4772)]  [View PDF 2.56 M (2936)]
Remanufacturing Technology in Continuous Casting Core Equipment and Its Application
  侯峰岩, 任乔华, 高锦岩
  2012,25(4):31-35 [Abstract(4376)]  [View PDF 2.17 M (2753)]
Wear Failure Mechanism of Cylinder LinerPiston Ring Friction Pair for High Power Diesel Engines
  李奇a, 王宪成a, 何星a, 蔡志海b, 和穆a
  2012,25(4):36-41 [Abstract(4628)]  [View PDF 4.97 M (2867)]


[例27] 自熔剂合金喷熔技术在冶金设备上的应用
  2012,25(4) [Abstract(3906)]  [View PDF 198.10 K (2662)]