引用本文: | 肖子玥,盛亮亮,魏雪娇,魏怀正,徐小军,朱旻昊.XPS原位分析纯铁微动磨损摩擦氧化行为∗[J].中国表面工程,2024,37(2):161~169 |
| XIAO Ziyue,SHENG Liangliang,WEI Xuejiao,WEI Huaizheng,XU Xiaojun,ZHU Minhao.In Situ XPS Analysis of Fretting-induced Tribo-chemical Behavior in a Pure Iron[J].China Surface Engineering,2024,37(2):161~169 |
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XPS原位分析纯铁微动磨损摩擦氧化行为∗ |
肖子玥, 盛亮亮, 魏雪娇, 魏怀正, 徐小军, 朱旻昊
西南交通大学材料科学与工程学院 成都 610031
摘要: |
摩擦化学是微动磨损过程中不可避免产生的一种复杂的摩擦学行为,对材料的磨损性能及磨损机理具有重要的影响。 基于原位 XPS 高精度切向微动磨损试验平台,系统性研究工业纯铁在真空(p=4 mPa)和大气环境下不同微动运行区域接触界面摩擦化学状态及其微动磨损行为。试验结果表明,工业纯铁在大气环境下未观察到微动混合区,然而真空环境下因接触界面发生了严重粘着效应,使得微动运行难以进入滑移区而具有较宽的混合区。随着位移幅值的增加,工业纯铁在真空环境下的微动磨斑具有更多的 Fe 基体暴露,并伴有以 FeO 为主的氧化物,整体表现出较高的磨损量;相对比,在大气环境下其磨斑表面产物为以 FeO 和 Fe2O3为主的氧化物,特别在滑移区几乎没有 Fe 单质暴露,且磨斑表面主要以 Fe2O3氧化物为主, 表现出较真空环境下更轻微的磨损。磨损结果表明,FeO 和 Fe2O3 具有较好的润滑保护作用,特别是 Fe2O3 氧化物能显著提高材料表面抗微动磨损性能。利用原位 XPS 技术可以实现表征材料接触表面真实的摩擦化学状态,且更加准确地揭示摩擦氧化反应对微动磨损行为的影响作用机理,对丰富和发展微动磨损基础理论具有科学意义。 |
关键词: 纯铁 原位 XPS 分析 微动磨损 磨损氧化 微动磨损机理 |
DOI:10.11933/j.issn.1007-9289.20230329002 |
分类号:TG156;TB114 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51575459,52171079);四川省科技计划(2023NSFSC0413);中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2682023GF018) |
In Situ XPS Analysis of Fretting-induced Tribo-chemical Behavior in a Pure Iron |
XIAO Ziyue, SHENG Liangliang, WEI Xuejiao, WEI Huaizheng, XU Xiaojun, ZHU Minhao
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031 , China
Abstract: |
Fretting causes severe damage to the material surfaces which leads to the failure of the mechanical components in the fields of railways, mining, and aerospace industries. Many researches have shown that in addition to the fretting parameters such as load, frequency and displacement amplitude, the service environment also has an important impact on fretting. Pure iron has the advantage of high magnetic permeability, high saturated magnetization, low coercivity, low hardness, and high plasticity. It is widely used for manufacturing highly precise electronic devices. Especially in the aerospace industry, fretting damage is more severe under certain conditions such as a vacuum environment and high temperature. The tribochemical reaction occurring on the contact surface during the fretting wear process has a significant influence on determining the associated wear mechanism and fretting wear resistance. To study the tribochemical state and its effect on the fretting wear behavior of pure iron, systematical fretting wear experiments at different displacement amplitudes have been conducted under the vacuum (p=4 mPa) and air atmosphere (p=100 kPa) by using an in-situ XPS analysis test combined with a self-designed high precision fretting wear device. 3D white light interferometer and scanning electron microscope were utilized for quantitative characterization of wear volume and morphological observations of the worn surface, respectively. The results show that pure iron presents significantly different fretting wear characteristics between the vacuum and air atmosphere. With the increase of displacement in the air atmosphere, the fretting regime enters into slip regime (SR) directly from partial slip regime (PSR) without mixed fretting regime (MFR). Under vacuum, it is relatively hard to enter into SR due to the strong interface adhesion, hence resulting in a relatively wide mixed fretting region. Furthermore, in general the contact interface displays a higher friction factor in vacuum than that in air atmosphere at the same displacements. XPS results show that with the increase of the displacement, in vacuum atmosphere there is more exposure of Fe on the worn scar, and the formation of FeO is dominant while no Fe2O3 is produced. In contrast, for the air atmosphere, the tribochemical production of worn scars mainly consists of FeO and Fe2O3, and in SR the formation of Fe2O3 is dominant. The fretting wear volume increases with the increase of displacement amplitude for both vacuum and air atmosphere, but the magnitude of the increase is significantly different. In PSR (D=1 μm), the initial oxide (FeO and Fe2O3) is still observed on the worn surface, thus representing a very slight amount of wear. When the displacement increases to 5μm, in vacuum, the disappearance of Fe2O3 and the exposure of Fe enhance the interface adhesion, which leads to a significant increase in wear volume. In contrast, for the air atmosphere, the production of Fe2O3 and FeO on the worn surface has better lubrication protection, resulting in relatively low wear volume. In SR (D=20 μm), the wear volume in vacuum rises rapidly and the worn surface consists of more Fe and less FeO, which makes the interface adhesion even stronger and hence leads to more serious wear. However, in the air atmosphere the worn surface is almost covered by Fe2O3 and FeO, and lower wear volume can be observed than that in vacuum, which indicates that the FeO and Fe2O3 have good protection with a lubricant role against fretting wear, especially for the Fe2O3. The in-situ XPS technique can characterize the real tribochemical state of the contact surface and reveal more accurately the effect of the tribochemical reaction on the fretting wear behavior, which is of great scientific significance to enrich and develop the basic theory of fretting wear. |
Key words: pure iron in-situ XPS analysis fretting wear wear oxidation fretting wear mechanism |