LU Shihang,ZHANG Xue,DOU Wenwen,CHEN Shiqiang,LIU Guangzhou.Corrosion Inhibition Mechanism of S355J0W Steel Against Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa[J].China Surface Engineering,2024,37(2):41~57
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卢士航, 张雪, 窦雯雯, 陈士强, 刘光洲
山东大学海洋研究院 青岛 266237
微生物腐蚀(MIC)严重威胁着海洋工程设施的可靠性和安全性,制约着海洋经济的发展。钢中添加合金元素是进行海洋 MIC 防护的重要策略之一。采用表面分析、失重和电化学测试等方法,以 EH36 钢为对照,探究由多合金元素组成的 S355J0W 钢对典型海洋腐蚀性微生物(脱硫弧菌和铜绿假单胞菌)腐蚀的抑制机制。结果表明,S355J0W 钢具有更优的耐 MIC 性能。在含脱硫弧菌的厌氧培养基和含铜绿假单胞菌的有氧培养基中,S355J0W 钢的 MIC 速率均明显低于 EH36 钢。 在脱硫弧菌培养基中,S355J0W 钢的失重和最大点蚀深度是 EH36 钢的 56%、70%。在铜绿假单胞菌培养基中,S355J0W 钢的失重和最大点蚀深度是 EH36 钢的 54%、47%。相较于 EH36 钢,S355J0W 钢含有 Cr、Ni、Nb 元素和更多的 Cu 元素。一方面,S355J0W 钢中的合金元素使其表面的产物膜更具有保护性(更高的膜电阻值);另一方面,合金元素导致 S355J0W 钢表面固着的脱硫弧菌和铜绿假单胞菌数量仅是 EH36 钢的 22%、24%。更少的固着细菌数量直接导致更低的胞外电子传递速率,从而降低 S355J0W 钢的 MIC 速率。添加耐蚀和抑菌合金元素能够显著提高材料的耐 MIC 性能,研究结果为海洋 MIC 机理的探究提供了理论依据,为海洋结构钢 MIC 防护方法的设计与开发提供了新见解。
关键词:  合金元素  微生物腐蚀(MIC)  脱硫弧菌  铜绿假单胞菌  胞外电子传递(EET)
Corrosion Inhibition Mechanism of S355J0W Steel Against Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
LU Shihang, ZHANG Xue, DOU Wenwen, CHEN Shiqiang, LIU Guangzhou
Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237 , China
Marine environments are extremely harsh and corrosive. Marine corrosion is mostly associated with the metabolic activity of microorganisms. Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) seriously threatens the reliability and safety of marine engineering facilities and restricts the development of the marine economy. Many methods have been applied to prevent MIC in steels, such as coatings, biocides, cathodic protection, and MIC-resistant alloy steels. The development of MIC-resistant alloy steels by adding alloying elements is an important strategy for marine MIC prevention. Exploring MIC mechanisms can provide a theoretical basis for MIC prevention. Therefore, the inhibition mechanism of S355J0W steel, composed of multiple alloying elements (Cr, Ni, Nb, and Cu), on the MIC caused by typical marine corrosive microorganisms (Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) is investigated using surface analysis, weight loss, and electrochemical tests, with EH36 steel as a control. The results show that D. vulgaris and P. aeruginosa can acquire electrons from the Fe(0) surface and promote steel corrosion through the biocatalytic reduction of sulfate and nitrate reactions by transferring the electrons harvested from steel to intracellular, respectively. Notably, in both the anaerobic medium containing D. vulgaris and the aerobic medium containing P. aeruginosa, S355J0W steel had a much lower MIC rate than EH36 steel. In the D. vulgaris medium, the weight loss and maximum pitting depth of S355J0W steel were 2.9 mg·cm?2 and 50.4 μm, respectively, whereas these values for EH36 steel were 5.2 mg·cm?2 and 71.5 μm, respectively: the weight loss and maximum pitting depth of S355J0W steel were 56% and 70% of those of EH36 steel, respectively. Meanwhile, in the enriched seawater with P. aeruginosa, the weight loss and maximum pitting depth of S355J0W steel were 2.5 mg·cm?2 and 26.3 μm, respectively, and those of EH36 steel were 4.6 mg·cm?2 and 56.2 μm, respectively: the weight loss and maximum pitting depth of S355J0W steel were 54% and 47% of those of EH36 steel, respectively. In addition, S355J0W steel exhibited higher Rp and Rct values. The weight loss, pitting depth, and electrochemical data confirmed that S355J0W steel has better MIC resistance. Compared to EH36 steel, S355J0W steel contains Cr, Ni, Nb, and additional Cu. On the one hand, the alloy elements in S355J0W steel make the corrosion product film on its surface more protective, with a higher membrane resistance value. In addition, the combined effect of alloying elements on grain refinement can improve the anti-corrosion properties of steels. This can also explain why the corrosion resistance of S355J0W steel is better than that of EH36 steel. By contrast, the sessile D. vulgaris and P. aeruginosa cell counts on the S355J0W steel surface were only 22% and 24%, respectively, of those on the EH36 steel surface, owing to the combined effect of the alloying elements. The extracellular electron transfer (EET) rate is usually the controlling step for corrosion rates; fewer sessile cells lead to a lower EET rate, which reduces the MIC rate of S355J0W steel. Notably, the planktonic cell counts of the two steels did not significantly differ, suggesting that the planktonic D. vulgaris and P. aeruginosa cell counts are not critical in contributing to the difference in corrosion rates. At present, the MIC-resistant properties of metal materials are mainly improved through the addition of Cu, and research is mainly focused on stainless steels. Few studies have been conducted on the effects of the joint action of multiple alloying elements on the MIC-resistant properties of marine structural steels. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to provide new insights into the design and development of MIC prevention strategies for marine structural steels.
Key words:  alloy elements  microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC)  Desulfovibrio vulgaris  Pseudomonas aeruginosa  extracellular electron transfer (EET)