引用本文: | 杨芳儿,兰翔刘斌,沈淑康,黄寅迪,郑晓华.不同纳米WS2含量Ni-P-TiN-WS2复合化学镀层的制备及其摩擦学性能∗[J].中国表面工程,2022,35(1):183~190 |
| YANG Fanger,LAN Xiangliubin,SHEN Shukang,HUANG Yindi,ZHENG Xiaohua.Preparation and Tribological Properties of Ni-P-TiN-WS2 Electroless Composite Coatings with Various Contents of Nano-WS2[J].China Surface Engineering,2022,35(1):183~190 |
摘要: |
Ni-P-TiN 化学复合镀层具有比 Ni-P 镀层更高的硬度和耐磨性,但其表面粗糙度大,与对偶件之间的摩擦因数高,应用潜力受到限制。通过在化学镀液中添加不同用量的纳米 WS2颗粒和固定用量的 TiN 颗粒,在低碳钢表面制备 Ni-P-TiN-WS2 复合镀层。采用 X 射线能谱仪(EDS)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和 X 射线衍射仪(XRD)对镀层的化学成分(质量分数)、 表面形貌及微观结构进行表征,并利用球盘式摩擦磨损试验机测试复合镀层的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:纳米 WS2颗粒与纳米 TiN 颗粒的共沉积可使镀层表面更加致密、平整。随着镀液中纳米 WS2 用量的增加,复合镀层的硬度先减小后增大,与氮化硅陶瓷球的摩擦因数则先升后降,磨损率显著下降,耐磨性增强。镀液中纳米 WS2粉末的用量为 2.5 g / L 时复合镀层的摩擦学性能最佳。 纳米 WS2颗粒的加入及用量优化可显著改善复合镀层的综合性能,可为发展高耐磨低摩擦因数的先进涂层提供借鉴。 |
关键词: 纳米 WS2 纳米 TiN 镍磷合金 复合化学镀 摩擦因数 耐磨性能 |
DOI:10.11933/j.issn.1007-9289.20210331001 |
分类号:TQ153 |
基金项目:浙江省重点研发计划(2019C01088);大学生创新创业训练计划基金(202110337022)资助项目 |
Preparation and Tribological Properties of Ni-P-TiN-WS2 Electroless Composite Coatings with Various Contents of Nano-WS2 |
YANG Fanger1, LAN Xiangliubin1, SHEN Shukang2, HUANG Yindi1, ZHENG Xiaohua1
1.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014 , China;2.Institute of Remote Sensing Satellite, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094 , China
Abstract: |
Ni-P-TiN electroless coating has higher hardness and better wear resistance than Ni-P electroless coating, however, its large roughness and high friction factor with the counterparts restrict its application potential. Ni-P-TiN-WS2 composite coatings are prepared on the surface of mild steel using electroless plating with a controlled dosage of nano-WS2 and a fixed dosage of nano-TiN particles in bath. The morphology, microstructure and chemical composition of the coatings are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS). The tribologiacl properties of the composite coatings are investigated by wear testing with a ball-on-disc configuration. The results show that the co-deposition of nano-WS2 and nano-TiN particles can form a compact and smooth surface. With the increase of nano-WS2 dosage in bath, the Vickers hardness of the coatings decreases first and then increases, while the friction factor creases first and then decreases as sliding against Si3N4 balls, the wear rate of the composite coatings decreases significantly and the wear resistance have been enhanced. The composite coating deposited under a nano-WS2 dosage of 2.5 g / L in bath exhibits the best tribological performance. The results that the addition of nano-WS2 particles with the optimal dosage significantly improves the comprehensive performance of the composite coatings, can provide a reference for the development of advanced coatings with high wear resistance and low friction coefficient. |
Key words: nano WS2 nano TiN Ni-P alloy eletroless plating friction factor anti-wear property |