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大连理工大学机械工程学院 大连 116024
滚压加工是螺栓表面强化的主要方法,但关于滚压参数对高强度钢螺栓表面质量的影响规律研究鲜有报道。为了研究滚压量对 300M 钢螺栓退刀槽表面完整性的影响,使用 zygo 表面粗糙度轮廓仪、超景深显微镜、显微硬度计、X 射线应力衍射仪、扫描电镜等设备,对滚压后螺栓退刀槽表面粗糙度、表面形貌、显微硬度、残余应力、表层显微组织等进行检测。结果表明:随着滚压量的增大,表面粗糙度先减小后增大,当滚压量为 0.08 mm 时,表面粗糙度 Sa 达到最小值 0.058 μm,相比滚压前减小 75%;螺栓退刀槽表层晶粒明显细化,并形成高密度位错,滚压量为 0.11 mm 时塑性变形层深最大达 166 μm; 塑性变形使螺栓表层显微硬度显著增加,最大值为 660 HV,相比基体硬度提高 16%,形成 280~400 μm 的硬化层;滚压加工给螺栓表面引入较大的残余压应力,且随滚压量增加逐渐增大,残余压应力最大达 848.4 MPa。研究结果补充了 300M 高强钢螺栓退刀槽滚压表面完整性数据,可应用于工艺人员对民机、军机等螺栓断裂原因分析、疲劳寿命预测及螺栓滚压加工参数优选。
关键词:  300M 钢螺栓  滚压量  表面粗糙度  微观组织  表层硬度  残余应力
Influence of Rolling Amount on the Surface Integrity of 300M Steel Bolt Backing Groove
YUE Meiru,GUO Xiaoguang,KANG Renke,ZHU Xianglong,LIU Hongwei,WANG Ziyue
School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024 , China
Because of their high strength, precision, and hardness, 300M steel bolts are widely used in the assembly of various aircraft structural parts. Owing to long-term service in extreme environments, such as severe vibrations and large temperature differences, fatigue damage is prone to occur at the bolt-backing groove, resulting in major safety accidents. Rolling processing, which has dual functions of surface finishing and surface strengthening, is the primary processing technology for bolt surface strengthening. The selection of rolling parameters has significant influence on surface integrity and fatigue life. The rolling amount is an important parameter in the rolling process. To effectively improve the surface quality and performance of the bolt, a rolling strengthening test of the bolt-back groove under different rolling amounts was conducted on a self-developed special rolling tooling for bolts. The effect of the rolling amount on the surface integrity of the 300 M steel bolts was studied. Based on the previous test, the rolling amounts were selected as 0.05 mm, 0.08 mm, and 0.11 mm, respectively. The surface roughness, surface morphology, microhardness, residual stress, and surface microstructure of a 300 M steel bolt after back-groove rolling were tested using a Zygo surface roughness tester, super depth-of-field microscope, microhardness tester, X-ray stress diffractometer, and scanning electron microscope. The results showed that with an increase in the rolling amount, the surface roughness initially decreases and then increases. When the rolling amount is 0.08 mm, the surface roughness Sa reaches the minimum value of 0.058 μm, which is 75 % lower than that before rolling. The surface morphology of the bolt reaches the optimal state when the rolling amount is 0.08 mm, the turning marks basically disappear, and the surface is the most polished. As the rolling amount increases, the surface quality is destroyed, and a large number of pits and ploughs appear. The rolling process causes plastic deformation of the bolt surface structure, and the martensite grains are elongated and refined. Based on the results of the local orientation difference, the KAM value of the bolt after rolling increases from 0.619° to 0.875°, proving that the rolling process introduces high-density dislocations on the surface of the bolt. As the rolling amount increases, the content of the small-angle grain boundary increases, and the degree of plastic deformation of the bolt increases gradually. When the rolling amount is 0.11 mm, the depth of plastic deformation layer reaches 166 μm. In the surface layer of the bolt, the grain boundaries become blurred owing to severe plastic deformation. Cold work hardening and plastic deformation significantly increase the microhardness of the bolt surface, with a maximum value of 660 HV, which is 16 % higher than that of the matrix. Within 0-400 μm, the microhardness gradually decreases as the distance from the rolling surface increases. The rolling process introduces a large residual compressive stress on the bolt surface. When the rolling amount is 0.11 mm, the dislocation density between the microstructures reaches the maximum value, and the residual compressive stress reaches 848.4 MPa, which is 662 % higher than that without rolling. In this study, the surface integrity of a 300 M high-strength steel bolt cutter groove after rolling is systematically studied, and the influence of the rolling amount on the surface quality is analyzed, which can provide a reference for process personnel to optimize bolt rolling process parameters. Because the fatigue life of bolts is closely related to the surface roughness and residual stress, the research results can also be applied to the analysis of bolt fracture causes and prediction of fatigue life, providing technical support for the anti-fatigue manufacturing of high-strength bolts.
Key words:  300M steel bolt  rolling amount  surface roughness  microstructure  surface hardness  residual stress