Huang Kai,Li Liuhe.Effects of Substrate, Interlayer Bias and Coating Thickness on Crystal Orientation of Chromium Oxide Coatings[J].China Surface Engineering,2020,33(1):73~83
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黄凯, 李刘合
北京航空航天大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 北京 100191
硬质涂层的结晶取向会受多种因素的影响,其影响机制存在很多争议。 采用电弧离子镀方法,分别在硬质合金 YT15、单晶硅片以及高速钢(HSS)表面沉积了纯铬过渡层和不同厚度的 Cr2O3 涂层。 用扫描电子显微镜( SEM) 观察了涂层的断面形貌,用 X 射线衍射(XRD)研究了涂层的结晶取向。 研究发现:涂层生长初期主要表现为[ 006] 取向;过渡层偏压会使涂层的[006]衍射峰的相对强度降低 25%以上;基体的晶粒越细,越不利于[ 006]取向,有利于 [104]和[116]取向;随着涂层厚度增加,[006]相对强度降低 21% ~ 44%,[104]和[116]的相对强度分别增加 11% ~ 25%和 11% ~ 19%。 通过分析结晶取向的变化,发现结晶取向符合表面能最小化原理,并受结晶和生长条件的共同影响。
关键词:  电弧离子镀  结晶取向  Cr2O3  晶粒尺寸
基金项目:国家科技重大专项(2017-Ⅶ-0012-0108); 国防基础研究项目(JCKY2018601C205)
Effects of Substrate, Interlayer Bias and Coating Thickness on Crystal Orientation of Chromium Oxide Coatings
Huang Kai, Li Liuhe
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 , China
The crystal orientation of hard coatings is affected by many factors, the mechanism of which is controversial. Cr interlayer and Cr2O3 coatings with different thickness were deposited by vacuum cathodic arc deposition on cemented carbide YT15, single crystalline silicon and high speed steel (HSS). The morphology of the cross section was obtained by Scanning electron microscope (SEM). The crystal orientation of the coatings was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The study showed that [006] is the preferred orientation at the early stage of deposition; The application of substrate bias during the deposition of interlayer can decrease the relative intensity of [006] orientation by more than 27%; Small crystalline size of substrate can suppress [006] orientation and benefit [104] and [116] orientations. As the coatings grow thicker, relative intensity of [006] showed a decline of 21% ~ 44%, while for [104] and [116], the relative intensity increased 11% ~ 19% and 11% ~ 25% respectively. Further analysis of the crystal orientation shows that it is consistent with the principle of surface energy minimization and influenced by conditions of crystallization and grain growth.
Key words:  cathodic arc deposition  crystal orientation  Cr2O3  crystalline size