ZHANG Hai-mi,LIU Bo-hai,LI En-zhong,ZHANG Di,ZHOU Xin-yuan.Effects of Carbon Trading and Subsidy Policy on Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain[J].China Surface Engineering,2018,31(1):165~174
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张海咪1, 刘渤海1, 李恩重2, 张頔1, 周新远2
1.合肥工业大学 管理学院, 合肥 230009;2.陆军装甲兵学院 装备再制造技术国防科技重点实验室, 北京 100072
关键词:  再制造  碳交易政策  政府补贴  Stackelberg博弈
Effects of Carbon Trading and Subsidy Policy on Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain
ZHANG Hai-mi1, LIU Bo-hai1, LI En-zhong2, ZHANG Di1, ZHOU Xin-yuan2
1.Management School, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009;2.National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Force, Beijing 100072
Considering the involvement of the government, a Stackelberg game model led by a manufacturer was developed, according to two levels of closed-loop supply chain composed of a manufacturer and a retailer. The impacts of different policies on product wholesale, retail, product recovery, carbon emissions and supply chain profit were observed and verified by a numerical example. The results show that, when the price of carbon trading and government subsidies satisfy certain conditions, the combination of carbon trading and subsidy policy can reduce the retail price, increase the recovery rate and the demand, significantly improve the total profit of the supply chain, and significantly decrease the carbon emissions. Therefore, the implementation of carbon trading and government subsidy policy can make up for the deficiencies of separating the two policies, reduce carbon emissions and improve the overall profit of the supply chain, making the remanufacturing closed loop supply chain achieve a better condition.
Key words:  remanufacturing  carbon trading policy  government subsidy  Stackelberg game