引用本文:周仕勇, 沈承金, 王芹芹, 胡亮亮.表面活性剂对电沉积TiO2/Ni复合镀层的影响[J].中国表面工程,2011,24(5):83~88
ZHOU Shi–yong, SHEN Cheng–jin, WANG Qin–qin, HU Liang–liang.Effect of Surfactants on Electrodeposition of NanoTiO2/Ni Composite Coating[J].China Surface Engineering,2011,24(5):83~88
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周仕勇, 沈承金, 王芹芹, 胡亮亮
中国矿业大学 材料科学与工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116
研究了表面活性剂对纳米TiO2在镀液中的分散行为和沉积行为的影响,结果表明十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)对纳米TiO2颗粒的分散效果显著,镀液40 min内不发生明显分层。相比其他表面活性剂,由于纳米颗粒在涂层中均匀分散,CTAB分散的镀层显微硬度最好,且热稳定性好,孔隙率显著降低。运用SEM、EDAX和XRD研究了镀层的表面形貌和成分。CTAB分散的纳米TiO2–Ni基镀层表面平整致密、晶粒均匀,镍基晶粒长大伴随着纳米TiO2被夹持嵌埋过程,TiO2多分布于镍基间隙。分析认为纳米粉末TiO2与Ni符合迁移、吸附、嵌埋的力学共沉积过程。
关键词:  电刷镀  表面活性剂  电沉积  涂层特性
Effect of Surfactants on Electrodeposition of NanoTiO2/Ni Composite Coating
ZHOU Shi–yong, SHEN Cheng–jin, WANG Qin–qin, HU Liang–liang
School of Material Science & Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116
The effects of surfactant on the dispersion of nano–TiO2 and the deposition behavior of nanoTiO2/Ni composite coating were investigated. Sedimentation experiment was carried out to describe the dispersion effect of nano–TiO2. The results indicate that cationic surfactant CTAB has better effect on dissipating nanoTiO2 than other agents, while it will not settle more than 40 minutes, because nano–TiO2 dispersed uniformly. The microhardness of nanoTiO2/Ni coating with CTAB is improved largely. Besides, the coating presents great thermal stability and less porosity. CTAB leads to smoother and denser morphology of composite coatings compared with SDBS and PEG. The composite coatings were composed of Ni and TiO2 based on XRD and EDAX. It is concluded that codeposition behavior of nanoTiO2 and Ni should be a motion, absorption and mechanics.
Key words:  brush plating  surfactants  electrodeposition  mechanic property