引用本文:郭 琴,罗新民,陈康敏,潘 励.奥氏体耐热钢的热浸扩散渗铝研究[J].中国表面工程,2006,(4):16~20
GUO Qin, LUO Xin-min, CHEN Kang-min, PAN Li.Hot–dip and Diffusion-Treated Aluminizing Layers on Austenitic Heat Resistance Steel[J].China Surface Engineering,2006,(4):16~20
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郭 琴,罗新民,陈康敏,潘 励
江苏大学 材料科学与工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013
采用表面电解活化助镀技术在奥氏体耐热钢表面获得了良好的助镀层,试样经电解活化助镀后,在735 ℃铝浴中浸镀5 min,可获得良好的热浸镀铝过渡层。以NH4Cl为活化剂,添加少量和CeO2稀土混合物,在960 ℃密封扩散6 h,随炉冷却,在耐热钢表面获得了结合良好的扩散渗铝层。应用SEM 电镜分析和能谱分析等方法分析了热浸扩散渗铝层的成分、组织和形貌。
关键词:  电解活化  耐热钢  奥氏体  渗铝  扩散
Hot–dip and Diffusion-Treated Aluminizing Layers on Austenitic Heat Resistance Steel
GUO Qin, LUO Xin-min, CHEN Kang-min, PAN Li
School of Material Science and Engineering,Jiangsu University Zhenjiang,Jiangsu 212013,China
By means of electrolytic activated flux technique, a deposition layer was produced. Thereafter an excellent transition layer on the surface of the austenitic heat resistance steel specially for the radiant tube of carburizing furnace was obtained by hot-dipped in the aluminum bath at 735℃ for 5min. The steel samples were then diffusion treated in the sealed crucible at 960℃ for 6 hours in the atmosphere containing NH4Cl plus CeO2. The well-combined layer with the substrate was produced. Using SEM with EDX analysis, the composition, microstructure and morphologies of the surface layer were analyzed.
Key words:  Electrolytic activation  refractory steel  austenite  aluminizing  diffusion