GUO Wei,DONG Li-hong,WANG Hai-dou,XIANG Ming,LI Hui-Juan,XU Bin-Shi.Interfacial Adhesion Performance Assessment of Remanufacturing Spraying Coatings by Pulsed Thermography[J].China Surface Engineering,2018,31(3):168~176
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郭伟1, 董丽虹1, 王海斗1, 向明1, 李慧娟2, 徐滨士1
1.陆军装甲兵学院 装备再制造技术国防科技重点实验室, 北京 100072;2.中国航空综合技术研究所, 北京 100028
关键词:  热喷涂涂层  界面脱粘缺陷  脉冲热像检测  图像处理
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51535011, 51675532)
Interfacial Adhesion Performance Assessment of Remanufacturing Spraying Coatings by Pulsed Thermography
GUO Wei1, DONG Li-hong1, WANG Hai-dou1, XIANG Ming1, LI Hui-Juan2, XU Bin-Shi1
1.National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Forces, Beijing 100072;2.China Polytechnology Establishment, Beijing 100028
Aiming at the interfacial adhesion performance assessment of spray coatings, which was common in remanufacturing engineering, interface debonding defect of the 3Cr13 coating was detected with pulsed infrared thermography. Taking the signal to noise ratio (SNR) as criterion, two different image processing methods were compared both in the pretreatment and post-treatment stages of thermal image sequence. The results show that in pretreatment stage, SNR is improved from 5.34 to 9.61 with the signal-based algorithm polynomial fitting (PF), which is better than the image-based median filtering (MF) algorithm. In post-processing stage, the image-based principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm extracts more precise defect feature than the signal-based pulse phase thermography (PPT), and the SNR reaches 17.99 on the thermal image, which is reconstructed with the third principal component heat map. In a word, the image-based processing algorithms achieve a better result than the signal-based processing algorithms in the evaluation of interfacial adhesion performance of remanufactured sprayed coatings.
Key words:  thermal spray coating  interface debond defect  pulsed thermography  image processing