YANG Juan,LI Guo-dong,LIU Yang,LIU Jing-zhong.Morphology and Performance of Electroless Composite Plating Ni-P-SiC Coating on Surface of Carbon Fiber[J].China Surface Engineering,2017,30(1):49~55
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杨娟, 李国栋, 刘阳, 刘靖忠
中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室, 长沙 410083
关键词:  碳纤维  化学复合镀  Ni-P-SiC镀层  抗拉强度  抗氧化性
Morphology and Performance of Electroless Composite Plating Ni-P-SiC Coating on Surface of Carbon Fiber
YANG Juan, LI Guo-dong, LIU Yang, LIU Jing-zhong
State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083
In order to improve the wettability and dispersion of carbon fibers in aluminium substrate, Ni-P-SiC coating was prepared on carbon fiber by electroless composite plating. The surface and cross-sectional morphologies of the coating were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mechanical properties of the Ni-P coating and Ni-P-SiC coating were measured by single fiber electronic tensile strength tester. Oxidation resistance of the Ni-P coating and Ni-P-SiC coating were investigated by synchronous thermal analyzer. Results show that the tensile strength of Ni-P-SiC coating is weaker than that of Ni-P coating, while the shape parameter of Ni-P-SiC coating, m, is increased by 8.45%. The reliability of the Ni-P-SiC coating is improved. The temperature of largest exothermic peak of Ni-P-SiC coating is 130℃ higher than that of Ni-P coating, which indicates that the oxidation resistance of carbon fiber in Ni-P-SiC coating is significantly improved after electroless composite plating. Besides, the dispersion of Ni-P-SiC-coated carbon fibers in the aluminium substrate is significantly improved, decreasing the aggregation of carbon fiber. Ni-P-SiC coating effectively solves the problem of composition between carbon and aluminum substrate in high temperature.
Key words:  carbon fiber  electroless composite plating  Ni-P-SiC coating  tensile strength  oxidation resistance