WANG Fei-fan, LI Wen-ya, YU Min.Prediction of Critical Velocity in Cold Spraying Based on Numerically Calculated Steady Maximum Equivalent Plastic Strain[J].China Surface Engineering,2012,25(6):96~100
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西北工业大学 材料学院, 西安 710072
用ABAQUS显式有限元分析软件,对冷喷涂铜粒子与铜基体的碰撞过程进行了欧拉法数值分析。结果表明,欧拉模型可有效模拟冷喷涂粒子碰撞变形行为,粒子撞击基体形貌的模拟结果与试验观察吻合较好。在不同碰撞速度下,最大等效塑性应变均会快速上升并达到各自稳定值,并且在290~400 m/s内稳定等效应变最大值基本不变,但随着粒子速度增加,粒子扁平化程度、与基体结合面积与金属射流量均明显增加。最后,结合金属射流形貌与等效塑性应变稳定最大值的变化规律,提出了一种冷喷涂粒子临界速度预测的新方法,计算获得了20 μm铜粒子冷喷涂临界速度约为290 m/s。
关键词:  冷喷涂  数值模拟  欧拉法  临界速度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51005180); 霍英东教育青年教师基金(131052); 凝固技术国家重点实验室自主课题(69QP2011)
Prediction of Critical Velocity in Cold Spraying Based on Numerically Calculated Steady Maximum Equivalent Plastic Strain
WANG Fei-fan, LI Wen-ya, YU Min
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072
An Eulerian method available in the ABAQUS software is used to simulate the impact process of cold sprayed copper particle on copper substrate. Results show that the simulated crosssectional shapes after impact are quite comparable to the experiments, which indicates that the developed Eulerian method can effectively investigate the cold spraying process. A steady maximum equivalent plastic strain is found at various impact velocities and almost keeps constant at the impact velocity from 290 m/s to 400 m/s. The increasing impact velocity aggravates particle flattening and enlarges the jet formation from both the particle and substrate materials. After understanding the effect of impact velocity on the steady maximum PEEQ and the jet formation, an effective approach for predicting the critical velocity in cold spraying is proposed. The calculated critical velocity achieving to jet formation is 290 m/s.
Key words:  cold spraying  finite element analysis  eulerian method  critical velocity